
Posts Tagged ‘bicycles’

Reuse Resource: Swap & Share Sites

February 17, 2011 Leave a comment

We’ve talked about freecycle here, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  Re-Nest has a list of ten other sites for those looking to find creative reuse resources without having to dole out any dough.  They cover everything from baby-ware to bikes to makeup.  The one that really catches my eye is Portland, OR’s tool exchange.  I’m currently taking a woodworking class and one of the obvious benefits is access to all of the tools that would otherwise be too cost-prohibitive to own myself.  In fact, there’s a open studio class that fills up every semester with people who just want access to them.  If Portland, ME had a similar tool “club” you can bet I’d be a member.

Via Re-Nest: Collaborative Consumption: 10 Swap & Share Sites.